Film Club with Activities Unlimited

Term-time, Tuesdays 5-7pm, at Moreton Hall Community Centre

Activities Unlimited, part of Suffolk County Council, supports high-quality, inclusive activities for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, ensuring they have the same opportunities as their peers. By funding initiatives like this film club, they help to break down barriers, giving every young person the chance to participate, create, and thrive.

Since April 2023, The Offshoot Foundation has been running a weekly film club in partnership with Activities Unlimited, offering young people with additional needs a safe, inclusive, and creative space to express themselves through film and animation. More than just a club, this initiative empowers participants to develop their storytelling skills while building confidence, forming friendships, and finding a sense of belonging.

The sessions provide a calm space and supportive environment for SEN young people to socialise, explore their interests independently, and together, and ultimately to have fun. Led by the Young People’s choice in their creations, it is wonderful to see their skills grow and develop. Many of our attendees’ struggle in the school environment, feeling they have to mask and constantly adapt for others whilst experiencing intolerance of their individual needs to varying degrees.

Our non-judgemental approach to goals and skills supports developments in our attendees that others may not notice or value; for some young people it is a huge success for them to relax and engage, for others, it is about developing independence, patience and belief in themselves. The Offshoot Foundation’s weekly workshops provide a safe space for these young people, and they have created a wonderful dynamic with each other, respecting each other’s needs and creating new friendships.

A Safe Space for Creativity and Growth

For Sophia, 12, Offshoot is a place where she can be herself:

“I love coming here. The sessions being weekly helps me with my routine. I struggle at school sometimes, but at Offshoot, I can feel relaxed and be myself. If we couldn’t continue, I would be so sad. I’ve made amazing friends and so many animations—it would break my heart if this had to stop.”

For Josh, 18, Offshoot is more than a workshop—it’s a second family where he feels truly understood and supported:

“It’s so fun here. I’ve made loads of new friends and if the workshops stopped, it would break my heart. I would never be able to go to Offshoot workshops again, and I would be very sad. We make great videos, and we all love each other. Everyone is so supportive, and Anna and Hannah (facilitators) understand my disability and support me not just in workshops, but in life.”

For Saff, 9, Offshoot provides a rare sanctuary from the noise and pressure of daily life:

“It is really loud at school and home, and I can come here and be quiet and be myself. I’m really proud of the things I create here. I have made new friends, and I feel happy.”

The Impact on Families

Parents have also seen firsthand the difference the film club has made in their children’s lives.

Harley’s Dad describes how Offshoot has nurtured his son’s creativity:

“Harley is very creative, and it’s been priceless having a place that helps him express his creativity through a medium he enjoys. He’s also building skills that are becoming increasingly valuable in the modern economic world. These experiences are setting him up for the future—please never stop!”

For Saff’s Mum, Offshoot is a one-of-a-kind club that makes her daughter feel safe and included:

“Saff feels welcome and included here. She comes in with a smile and leaves with an even bigger one. If this club was to end, she would be heartbroken. She has tried other clubs and had meltdowns, unable to access them. There’s nothing else like this around—it needs more funding, not less.”

For Mikey’s mum, Offshoot is a rare and special place where her son feels welcomed:

“I am so grateful for the Offshoot Foundation and the amazing people there. Anna and Hannah are wonderfully calm, and there is always such a great, welcoming atmosphere whenever we walk through the door on a Tuesday evening in Bury St Edmunds. It is reassuring to know that my child (who struggles massively with anxiety) will be left in such capable hands. He doesn’t have many interests or hobbies, so it was wonderful to find a workshop that truly suits him. Now, he is beginning to flourish after finding his feet. I really don’t know what I would do without this amazing organisation.”

And perhaps one of the most remarkable transformations has been Sophia’s journey, as described by her mother:

“I am so incredibly grateful for The Offshoot Foundation and all the amazing work they do. So many years ago, I never thought Sophia would be confident enough to go to any sort of group. But since she has been coming along, her confidence has grown beyond any belief. Even more so now that she is going to be in her school production of Cats! You are all incredible!”

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